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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-10 | Issue-05
Population Characteristics of Slums: A Study of Faridabad City in Haryana
Sumit Kumar, Dr. Gaurav Kalotra
Published: May 17, 2022 | 283 1061
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2022.v10i05.002
Pages: 179-183
Slums are the most deprived areas of the city with congested households, narrow streets and lack of basic amenities and facilities. These slum areas are more susceptible to all kinds of physical, social and economic vulnerabilities. In case of any hazardous situation, more damage occurs in these habitats. In Haryana state, the Faridabad has highest concentration of slum population. At present, Faridabad has 64 slums. The growth of industrialization and urbanisation after the post-Independence period has resulted in the development of slums in this city. Therefore, in the present study an effort has been made to study the population characteristics of slum population of the Faridabad city. This research paper also includes a comparison of Faridabad slums to the overall number of slums in Haryana. Findings of the study highlights that the percentage of Scheduled Caste people in slum settlements is greater than on-slum settlements. In terms of literacy rate and sex ratio, Faridabad city slum households have lower literacy rate and sex ratio than the state average.