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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-8 | Issue-05
Complicated Diverticular Disease of the Colon or Fishbone?
Setti Chaimae, Ahmed Salem Mohamed Lemine, Bouassria Abdesslam, Elbouhaddouti Hicham, Mouaqit Ouadii, Benjelloun Elbachir, Ousadden Abdelmalek, Ait Taleb Khalid, Imane Benabdallah Staouni, Youssef Ala
Published: May 25, 2022 | 194 132
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs.2022.v08i05.015
Pages: 406-407
Introduction: Colonic perforation by ingestion of foreign bodies as fishbones is extremely rare. It represents a challenging emergency: the management should be quickly established to limit its morbidity. Case report: We report a case of left colonic perforation due to a fishbone. Our patient who ingested fishbone also had colonic diverticulosis. Non-surgical management was performed. The evolution was favorable and our patient recovered. Discussion: Fishbone ingestion could be related to many complications including bowel perforation. Clinical findings are various. Paraclinical examinations can be challenging due to the limits of each one (X-rays, US, and CT scans). Nonsurgical management should be considered in many cases, and surgical treatment may be delayed. The final management is still controversial. Surgical and non-surgical techniques are both described in the literature.