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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-10 | Issue-05
Clinical Outcome after Pancreatico Jejunostomy in Patients with Pancreatic Calculi
Mohammad Abu Imran, Muhammad Nazrul Islam, Mohammad Delwar Hossain, Prabhat Pradhan, Afroza Begum, Monir Uddin Ahamed
Published: May 26, 2022 | 112 73
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2022.v10i05.027
Pages: 836-845
Background: Pancreatic calculi or chronic calcific pancreatitis is not uncommon in our country. The overall diagnosis and definitive management is very critical and costly. Every year, many patients from different parts of the country is referred to BSMMU for the definitive treatment. Lateral Pancreatico jejunostomy is commonly practiced in our country. The long term as well as short term outcomes of Lateral Pancreatico jejunostomy is not evaluated in our country previously. The short term outcome of pancreatico jejunostomy was evaluated. Here I mentioned lateral pancreatico jejunostomy procedure as pancreatico jejunostomy. Objective: To assess the clinical outcome after pancreatico jejunostomy in patients with pancreatic calculi. Methods: This was a descriptive type of prospective study. A total of 26 patients were included in the study between July 2011 to December 2011 in a BSMMU and other private hospitals of Dhaka who underwent lateral pancreatico jejunostomy for pancreatic calculi. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire and presented in tables by number, percentage, meanĀ±SD, median. Results: The mean age of the respondents was 36.74 years. About 64% of the patients were male and 35% are female. 70.27% of the patients were poor and 27.02% patients were of middle class socioeconomic condition and only 2 patient was found in rich socioeconomic condition group. 62% of the patients were smoker and 29% of the patients were non-smoker. 2.7% of the patients were alcoholic and 97.3% of the patients were non-alcoholic. Upper abdominal pain was present in 100% patients. Steatorrhoea was present in 8.6% of the patients. Jaundice predominated in 5.7% of the patients. 32.43% of the duration of symptoms were within 18-24 months, 27.02% of the were in 12-18 months group, 24.32% of the patients were in 6-12 months group and 16.21% of the patients were in less than 6 months group. Mean duration of symptoms was 13.56 months. 27% of the patients developed ..........