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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-5 | Issue-11
Hydatic Cyst of the Gallbladder Ruptured in the Bile Duct; About A Rare Observation
Taoufik Sadok, Mohammed Ghassane Rachid, Pr Youssef Narjis, Pr. Ridouane Benelkhaiat
Published: Nov. 29, 2019 |
DOI: 10.36347/SASJS.2019.v05i11.004
Pages: 423-424
Hydatid disease is endemic in Morocco specially in the liver but we report a specific localisation of a hydatic cyst in a
young 34-year-old woman who consulted for abdominal pain and mucocutaneous jaundice whose imaging showed
that the liver was the site of a heterogeneous image in the segment IV suggestive of a type IV hydatid cyst disrupted in
a distended gallbladder, containing corrugated membranes and a biliary dilatation with debris material within the
common bile duct. The liver test showed a cholestasis syndrome and a cytolysis syndrome, so we performed a
perikystectomy with cholecystectomy after medical preparation. Postoperative recovery was uneventful.