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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-5 | Issue-12
A Clinical Study of Incisional Hernia (A Study of 50 cases)
Dharmesh Vasavada, Hiral Parekh, Vineet Dwivedi
Published: Dec. 16, 2019 | 184 115
DOI: 10.36347/SASJS.2019.v05i12.001
Pages: 425-438
Introduction: Incisional hernia is a type of ventral hernia which is herniation through a weak abdominal scar. Depending on size and condition of patient, the repair of incisional hernia varies from anatomical repair to major reconstruction of abdominal wall with creation of muscle flap and the use of mesh. Careful preoperative planning combined with meticulous surgical technique and experienced judgement is important in order to minimize the risk of complications and hernia recurrence. Methods: This is a retrospetive study of 50 cases of incisional hernia carried out in Shri Guru Gobind Singh Hospital during September 2015 to September 2017. The entire patient operated either via open approach or laparoscopic approach. Summary: Incisional hernia is most commson in elder age group (40-60 year) female patients. Common cause for incisional hernia is previous surgery complicated with wound infections, wound dehiscence, urinary retension, cough or associated with other comorbid condition like diabetes, obesity, hypertension, COPD, anemia. Obesity is also a significant predisposing factor. Conclusion: The study may not reflect all the aspect of incisional hernia as series is small, duration is short and follow up is for shorter duration in most of the cases. Incisional hernia is common iatrogenic condition of previous surgery. Precaution should be taken in lower mid line incision with proper aseptic technique, using non absorbable monofilament suture and preferring mass closure. Laparoscopic repair is better than open repair due to less tissue dissection and complications, but its use is limited because of learning curve and cost factors.