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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-5 | Issue-12
A Comparative Study between Collagen Sheet Application and Normal Saline Dressing for Donor Site Healing Following Split Skin Graft
Sandhya Nagaraj, Jambukala A Y
Published: Dec. 30, 2019 | 183 134
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs.2019.v05i12.003
Pages: 443-447
Background: Split skin grafting is one of the commonest procedures performed in surgical theatres. Though lots of options are available for donor site dressing, the ideal dressing is still unknown. The efficacy of collagen for donor site dressing is evaluated in our study. Methods: During January 2018 to march 2018, 30 patients in surgical wards of KIMS, Hubli, were selected. 15 patients received normal saline dressings and the other 15 received collagen sheets 24 hours after surgery to the donor site. The two groups were compared for pain, epithelialization, infection and dressing changes using appropriate statistical methods. Results: Mean VAS on days 5, 10, 14, 21 for collagen vs saline dressing groups were 4.33±1.05 vs 5.00±0.65 (p value 0.046), 2.93±0.96 vs 3.73±0.59 (p value0.011), 1.80±1.08 vs 2.53±0.83 (p value 0.047), 0.60±0.63 vs 1.00±0.85 (p value 0.153) respectively. Collagen group patients had less pain on days 5, 10 and 14.The number of infections on days 5, 10, 14, 21 for collagen vs saline dressing groups were 2 vs 1 (p value 1), 1 vs 1 (p value 1), 0 vs 1 (p value 1), 0 vs 0 (p value 1) respectively. Infection rate was similar in both groups.The number of patients with 70-80%, 80-90%, >90% epithelialization on day 10 for collagen vs saline dressing groups were 7 vs 11, 6 vs 4, 2 vs 0 with a p value 0.23. The epithelialization rate was comparable in both groups.Mean number of dressings required till 14 days for collagen vs saline dressing groups was 1.2 vs 3.2 (p value 0.001) suggesting collagen group patients required less dressing.