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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-6 | Issue-01
Obstructed Direct Inguinal Hernia – A Rare Encounter
Vikas C Kawarat, Shanthi PS, Kannan R, Ganapathy N
Published: Jan. 26, 2020 | 212 203
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs.2020.v06i01.002
Pages: 5-7
Obstructed direct inguinal hernia with bowel and peritoneal layer covering bladder as content is rare in presentation. We report a case of a 64year old male patient, who is diabetic and dilated cardiomyopathy patient for past 5 years who presented with complaints of irreducible tender swelling in the right groin for past 2days with history of vomiting and constipation with a negative cough impulse. On emergency exploration, the obstructed hernia was found to be direct type with congested small bowel loops and necrosed bladder peritoneum as content. After gaining bowel viability, contents were reduced and the necrosed segment trimmed off and proceeded on with herniorraphy. Direct inguinal hernia getting obstructed is rare in presentation and contents as bowel and bladder peritoneum is extremely rare.