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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-1 | Issue-02
Immediate Effect of Jacobson’s Progressive Muscular Relaxation in Hypertension
Nisha Shinde, Shinde KJ, Khatri SM, Deepali Hande, Vichare Bhushan
Published: April 30, 2013 | 119 90
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2013.v01i02.012
Pages: 80-85
Abstract: Hypertension is ranked as fourth top most disease on the basis of its prevalence. It affects approximately one billion individuals worldwide. In India, the prevalence of hypertension in adult population varies from 3 to 10% and the average figure is 4.8%. The population at risk above the age of 20 years is 330 million. It is a major health problem and biggest of the challenges of the 21st century. Hypertension is major risk factor for causing cardiac, cerebral and renal disease. A total of 250 college and school teachers were examined. The necessary information such as history, socio-demographic profile, clinical examination findings were noted. Out of that 105 subjects were found as hypertensive & were willing to participate in study. All subjects explained the relaxation technique. Their baseline data includes Blood Pressure and Heart Rate were measured in sitting position. Investigator demonstrated technique (Jacobson’s Progressive muscular relaxation) to contract and relax various groups of muscles. After the trial session every subject performed this supervised Jacobson’s progressive muscular relaxation for 30 min, after 30 min of training. Outcome measures were reassessed immediately after the JPMR in sitting position that is Blood Pressure and Heart Rate. There were highly significant differences in Pre & Post Blood pressure ( systolic & diastolic) Heart Rate. There was statistically significant difference in systolic Blood pressure (p<0.01), diastolic Blood pressure (p=0.05) and Heart rate (p<0.05) significant reduction in post session (Jacobson’s progressive muscular relaxation). The current results indicate that a cost-effective, group program in a “real-world” setting can result in clinically significant benefits for patients with Hypertension. Jacobson’s progressive muscular relaxation may be used as an adjunct to conventional physiotherapy as an antihypertensive treatment results in better control of blood pressure & reduces heart rate.