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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-1 | Issue-02
Effect of Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza Glabra) on Intelligence and Memory Function in Male Adolescents
A.K. Teltumbde, A.K. Wahurwagh, M.K. Lonare, T.M. Nesari
Published: April 30, 2013 | 121 114
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2013.v01i02.014
Pages: 90-95
Abstract: The study was undertaken with an aim to evaluate the effect of Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza Glabra ) oral supplementation on the mental intelligence and memory function of the male students. For this purpose tablets were formulated from the crude powder prepared from roots and subjected to dose standardization process. The 1 tablet BID (two times in a day) was found to be suitable without any side effects. With this dose the final study was conducted in 123 male students. Students were divided into two group, treatment (1 tablet BID) and placebo control (received starch powder) for the period of 60 days. Each group was further subdivided into two, based on low and high intelligence percentage in order to avoid biasness. Evaluation of improvement among these students was judge by using parameters such as NVIT (Non Verbal Intelligence Test) and memory test score before the start of treatment and end of treatment period and scored them accordingly into poor, moderate, good and, very good and expressed in percentage. The overall NVIT results indicate that oral consumption of Yashtimadhu tablets BID improves the intelligence level among the student when compared to students who received placebo treatment. In both classes mild memory improvement with Yashtimadhu treatment was observed as compared to control students. The improvement was observed in NVIT as compared to memory was quite higher. The present study concludes that Yashtimadhu consumption improves the general intelligence rather than STM (short term memory).