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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology | Volume-10 | Issue-07
Impact of E-learning on Learning Outcomes among Higher Education Students – An Integrated Review
Ms. Blessy Jayaron Jose, Dr. Jayaron Jose
Published: July 16, 2022 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjet.2022.v10i07.003
Pages: 141-145
Much of the exploratory research has been carried out to evaluate the success and failures of eLearning. The integrated review aims to understand the impact of eLearning on student learning outcomes in higher education. Understanding the student learning outcomes from their perspectives is crucial to improve the quality of eLearning platform to improve their satisfaction. With COVID-19 affecting every country and region leading to lockdown, each one has been making every effort to avoid interfering with the quality of education being imparted by integrating different e-learning platforms, and stakeholders’ need for improved understanding of e-learning for meeting students’ learning needs has become paramount. This paper attempts to summarize findings of the impact of e-Learning on students’ learning outcomes based on selected articles analysed by researchers while educational institution across the globe hurrying to switch to online /electronic mode of learning. From among 100 articles searched using different databases, 10 articles were selected for analysis, conclusion, and recommendations. Overall, e-learning is found to be impacting learners positively despite its challenges, and it is inevitable in higher education students to effectively achieve their learning outcomes as it provides immense opportunities to better their learning performance.