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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-6 | Issue-02
Incarcerated Gravid Uterus in a Neglected Incisional Hernia with Intrauterine Fetal Death
Shayee Kalyee Shanjeev P. B, Joyce Prabakar J, Kannan R
Published: Feb. 9, 2020 |
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs.2020.v06i02.002
Pages: 35-37
Gravid uterus in an incisional hernia of the anterior abdominal wall is rare and a serious condition. Initially the hernia is reducible, but as pregnancy advances, it may be complicated. We report a case of 24 Yr old female Gravida 2 Para 1 in the 28th week of gestation who came to emergency department with history of swelling in the lower abdomen, pain for past 1 day with a negative cough impulse and absent foetal heart sound. On emergency exploration, gravid uterus was found to be the content, following which hysterotomy and anatomical repair were done.