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SAS Journal of Medicine | Volume-8 | Issue-07
The Clinical Predictors of Hypoxaemia in Children with WHO Defined Pneumonia Aged 2 Months to 59 Months
Azad, A. Z, Prodhan, S, Islam, M, Shormin, S, Chowdhury, R. B, Mondal, A. R
Published: July 22, 2022 | 364 162
DOI: 10.36347/sasjm.2022.v08i07.008
Pages: 470-476
Introduction: Hypoxaemia is common in radiographically confirmed pneumonia. Children are mostly affected by this. Identification of the clinical signs in early stage can reduce the severity and death rate. Aim of the study: The aim of this study was to determine the clinical predictors of hypoxaemia in children with WHO defined pneumonia aged 2 months to 59 months. Methods: This cross-sectional type of descriptive study was conducted in Department of Pediatric, Rangpur Medical Collage and Hospital, Rangpur from July 2014 to June 2016. This study was carried out on 205 Children aged 2-59 months suffering from pneumonia. Result: Among 205 cases of pneumonia, hypoxeamia were 51(24.9%) & non hypoxeamia were 154(75.1%). It was observed that almost three fourth (72.2%) patients belonged to age 2-11 months. The mean age was found 9.2±10.0 months with range from 2 to 59 months. Almost two third (64.9%) patients were male. Majority (91.7%) patients had cough, 184(89.8%). Most of the patients (90.7%) had crepitations. Three (1.5%) patients were found pallor of palms, 178 (86.8%) patients were heart rate ≥100 beats per minute, 196(95.6%) were capillary refill time <3 second, 4(2.0%) hepatomegaly >2 cm and 131(63.9%) had temperature ≥ 38 °C. Mean age was found 8.5±8.0 months in hypoxemia group and 9.9±11.8 months in non hypoxemia group. More than half (52.9%) patients were male in hypoxemia group and 106(68.8%) in non hypoxemia group. Majority (84.3%) patients had severe pneumonia in hypoxemia group and 97(63.0%) in non hypoxemia group. Nearly two third (60.8%) patients had irritability in hypoxemia group and 58(37.7%) in non hypoxemia group. More than three fourth (76.5%) patients had severely reduced feeding in hypoxemia group and 65(42.2%) in non hypoxemia group. Forty five (88.2%) patients had inability to drink or feed in hypoxemia group and 51(33.1%) in non hypoxemia group. Four (7.8%) patients had unusually sleepy in hypoxemia group but not in non hypoxemia group. ......