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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-6 | Issue-02
Perforated Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumour of Jejunum
S. Shilpa Jain, Kamalraj M, Ramalakshmi V, Kannan Ross
Published: Feb. 18, 2020 |
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs.2020.v06i02.008
Pages: 60-63
A 62yr old diabetic male came to emergency department with complaints of abdominal pain and vomiting since 2 days. Physical examination details of patient was pale, dehydrated, had tachycardia and hypotension. Abdomen was distended and had diffuse tenderness and guarding. Free fluid abdomen was present, and bowel sounds were absent. Patient was resuscitated. USG done outside, revealed transverse colon growth. Radiological investigations revealed pneumoperitoneum with growth arising from small bowel. Patient was resuscitated and taken up for emergency laparotomy, which revealed a dumb-bell shaped mass arising from the jejunum with perforation. Resected specimen HPE showed GIST.