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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-6 | Issue-02
Secretory Carcinoma of Breast Mimicking As Phyllodes - A Rare Case Report
Dr. E. Achuith, Dr. Santosh Nayak K
Published: Feb. 8, 2020 | 219 156
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs.2020.v06i02.001
Pages: 32-34
Secretory breast carcinomas (SBCs) are considered one of the rarest types of Breast carcinomas accounting for <0.15% of all breast cancers, generally seen in children and young adults also been reported in elderly patients. Males has much poorer prognosis. It is usually a unifocal tumor but there are reports of multifocal cases It was recently demonstrated that these carcinomas develop due to t(12,15) ETV6-NTRK3 gene translocation , this fusion product, may be the target of promising new treatment for this unique entity. Here is a 78 year old female presented with complaints of lump in the left breast since 6 months, insidious onset and gradually progressive painful and with nipple discharge from last 2 weeks. On examination lump of size 10x15x 6 cm present in the left breast involving all quadrants, Spherical in shape, skin appears normal surface is smooth and stretched, borders are well defined. Cystic in consistency, fluctuation present, transillumination negative, skin is pinchable, no fixity to muscle and chest wall. Blood discharge noted, NAC is normal & is displaced below and lateral, engorged and promienent veins without any palpaple axillary lymphnodes. Clinically diagnosed as phyllodes tumor but USG shows a large well defined unilocular cystic lesion occupying the entire left mammary region with thick free floating internal echoes, peripheral solid components and papillary excrescences BIRADS IVb and FNAC shows features of Proliferative breast disease with atypia; MASOOD cytology index 16/24.