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Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports | Volume-10 | Issue-07
Response to COVID 19 Pandemic in MENA Region. Practices and Polices
Hamid Yahay Hussain, Wafa Kammoun Rebai, Hind Bouguerra, Dr Mohsen Salh Bin Risheed, Mohamed Hussein
Published: July 27, 2022 | 91 90
DOI: 10.36347/sjmcr.2022.v10i07.026
Pages: 703-714
Backgrounds: The response Covid19 pandemic by different EMR national and regional health systems reflected tangible fragility and clear weakness pandemic in management at the policy and practice level in the face of rapid epidemic spread and steadily accelerating mortality and morbidity. Many lessons can be learned from the exuberance of the existing pandemic, as pandemic control measures were not guided by strong local evidence and were not tailored to national contexts. In this review, we sought to assess the gaps and challenges of COVID-19 control measures in Eastern Mediterranean Region during the early months of the pandemic. Objectives: To study policy and practices evidenced gaps in response to Covid19 pandemic in the east Mediterranean region. Methodology: The design of scoping review was applied in the existing work; by applying Search engines strategy with highly selected keywords in the following medical data base, Google Scholar, PubMed, LitCovid, MedRx, ChemRxiv, BioRx, and, Web of Sciences, Embase. Original peer-reviewed research articles preprinted on COVID- for the period (January 2020- December 2021) were included in this review. About 200 articles were identified, and exclusion/ inclusion criteria were applied based on originality, study designs. Relevant Technical reports & official governmental releases were considered as well. Findings: The 22 countries of the eastern Mediterranean region will likely report over 17 million cases of COVID-19 and more than 314,000 deaths by the end of 2021; the current study revealed that the global health system showed remarkable fragility and obvious weakness in confronting the rapid out breaking and spreading of the epidemic and the continuous increase in the number of sicknesses and deaths resulting from it. There are many lessons to be communicated regarding the current pandemic: Pandemic management strategies –experienced strict containment measures during an early stage of the pandemic out breaking.........