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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-6 | Issue-02
Can Use of Binocular Loupe Reduce Total Operating Time in Hemithyroidectomy? A Preliminary Study
Dr. Vinay S Bhat
Published: Feb. 22, 2020 | 228 170
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs.2020.v06i02.010
Pages: 68-70
Aim: This is a preliminary study which intends to compare the operating time for hemithyroidectomy with and without using binocular loupe. Materials and Methods: Total of ten patients are included in this study. Five patients each were allocated to study groups A and B. patients under group A underwent hemithyroidectomy with the use of binocular loupe and patients in group B underwent hemithyroidectomy without the use of binocular loupes. Times taken for each step of hemithyroidectomy is recorded and data analyzed. Results: Our study shows significant reduction in operating time while using binocular loupes while doing hemithyroidectomy. It also shows statistically significant reduction in time taken for steps of identification of recurrent laryngeal nerve and identification and preservation of parathyroid glands. Conclusion: Binocular loupes are inexpensive and safe tool for thyroid surgery. It reduces operating time and also enhances safety and efficacy of thyroid surgery.