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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-6 | Issue-02
An Infrequent Case of Extra Abdominal Fibromatosis
M. Sabari Girieasen, Naveenkumar Viswanathan, S. Nedunchezhian, Kannan Ross
Published: Feb. 22, 2020 |
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs.2020.v06i02.011
Pages: 71-73
Extra abdominal fibromatosis, also known as a desmoid tumor, is a rarely observed benign lesion, characterized as a non metastatic lesion with local invasiveness. These tumors are due to proliferation of the fibroblast and common in females. A 40 year old male developed a swelling in the right thigh post traumatic and it progressively increased to attain present size. On examination, a single, solid, oval, firm, smooth surfaced, ill-defined swelling of size 10 x 8 cm is noted in the proximal thigh. MRI showed a space occupying lesion in the intramuscular region between rectus femoris and tensor fascia lata. Core needle biopsy came as possibility of spindle cell neoplasm. Radical surgical excision showed a poorly circumscribed lesion with clear margins, and IHC study showed beta catenin and CD31 positivity. The diagnosis was in favor of fibromatosis. Patient was discharged and there was no recurrence. This patient received the optimal treatment modality and he is under careful surveillance for recurrence.