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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-1 | Issue-05
Carbuncle in Diabetics-Our Experience
Amit Kumar C Jain, Nisha ST, Viswanath S
Published: Sept. 30, 2013 | 158 121
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2013.v01i05.0034
Pages: 493-495
Carbuncle is an uncommon skin and soft tissue infection, predominantly occurring in diabetics. It is quite surprising that there are very few series on carbuncle over last 2-3 decades. The aim of this study is to provide our experience on carbuncle in diabetics. Majority of the carbuncles occur over the nape of the neck (40%). Most patients present to the hospital 2 weeks after the onset of the symptoms. Our study shows that staphylococcus aureus continues to be the commonest bacteria isolated. There is no mortality in this series.