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Cross-Currents: An International Peer-Reviewed Journal on Humanities & Social Sciences | Volume-8 | Issue-06
South Africa Gross Uncalculated Diplomatic Blunder, Contradictory Responses (SAGUDBCR) Versus Mass Dependency Trapping Africans in the Eastern European Showdown (MDTAEES) in the Ukrainian Territory during the 21st Century
Dr. Njuafac Kenedy Fonju
Published: Aug. 3, 2022 | 189 147
DOI: 10.36344/ccijhss.2022.v08i06.001
Pages: 54-84
The present article deals with the position of the Republic of South Africa with inconsistent blundering following her outing concerning the 2022 Russo-Ukrainian showdown. That such contradictory support to an aggressive State of Eastern European country making purported strategies to raise war and traumatize the Ukrainian to go down on their needs in a full scale war is just an unjust way of struggling to once more rise to a World unchallengeable position vis-à-vis with the United States Hyper Power Parity as unique policeman of the World since 1991 collapsed of the Cold War and disintegration of the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR).. But that cannot work in the 21st Century when recalling the past history of the disintegration of the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republic in 1991 with the 15 Satellites States gaining their independence. Ukraine was never having two other independent Republics within its single national territory and the composition of USSR was never 17 satellite states that an over ambitious aggressive statesman is trying to give the two secessionist regions total support to purported independence conducted where nobody can justify. The South African authorities should clearly remove their diplomatic lenses to see the suffering facing by African diasporas in the country under aggressive attack from Russia are going through and think of their former Apartheid system the country undergone in the hands of the British minorities until 1990.Infact,Africans high imported countries are now trapped with unbearable high prices of consumer goods and services due to long adopted policy of dependency and practicability not to produce to capacities to feed their local populations before the outbreak of the unjustified war consonant to the violation of international law. Africans make up more than 20 percent of Ukraine's international students, studying in many different towns and cities throughout the country The scrutiny of diverse sources paved