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Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports | Volume-10 | Issue-08
The Diagnostic Performance of the FEF 25%-75% in the Evaluation of 34 Cases of Asthmatic Children and Adolescents Sensitized and Non-Sensitized to House Dust Mites
Davisson do Sacramento de Lucena Tavares, Cyro Teixeira da Silva Junior, Adriana Alvarez, Priscilla Filippo Alvim de Minas Santos, Patricia Siqueira Silva, Eduardo Vieira Ponte, Selma Maria de Azevedo
Published: Aug. 6, 2022 | 224 177
DOI: 10.36347/sjmcr.2022.v10i08.007
Pages: 777-779
The guidelines for asthma and spirometry do not mention the forced expiratory flow between 25% and 75% of forced vital capacity (FEF 25%-75%) in evaluation of airflow obstruction in asthma. The aim of this study was to assess the diagnostic performance of the FEF 25%-75% of children and adolescents with asthma sensitized to house dust mites (HDM). A retrospective case series was done in the Hospital Municipal Jesus, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil with 34 participants with asthma sensitized (n=26) and non-sensitized (n=8) to HDM. Standard reference value for FEF 25%-75% was considered abnormal if below at 65% of predicted. The percentages of 62% of sensitized participants and 38% of not sensitized to HDM had asthma with small airway obstruction by FEF 25-75% index and normal reference values for large airway flow in the spirometry report according to FEV 1/FVC ratio. The means of FEF 25%-75% for HDM and non-HDM were 44.27±9.96 vs. 56.62±13.56, respectively (t=1.86, P=0.0719). The results calculated were a positive predictive value of 80%, a sensitivity of 65%, and an accuracy of 62% amongst other significant parameters (P<0.05). We concluded that the FEF 25%-75% had a high diagnostic performance in children and adolescents with asthma sensitized to HDM.