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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-6 | Issue-04
Stapled Heamorrhoidopexy Complications - A Clinical Study
Dr. Narayan Hebsur, Dr. Arun Walwekar, Dr. Abhilash
Published: April 22, 2020 | 225 141
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs.2020.v06i04.008
Pages: 194-197
Stapled haemorrhoidpexy is one of the surgery for treatment of haemorrhoids, Here a circumferential strip of mucosa is removed about 4 cm above dentate line, The complications of this procedure include severe pain, bleeding, thrombosis, fissure, perianal intramural heamatoma, anal stenosis and faecal or flatal incontinence. In this study a review of total of 94 patients treated by stapled heamorrhoidopexy has been done for complications and it’s found to be 16.92 %, clinically patients are evaluated at 6weeks, 3months and 1 year after surgery. Most common complication was found to be bleeding 11.28% mainly because of improper application of purstring sutures and staplers; anal stricture1.8% was treated with dilatation, anal fissures 1.8% was treated conservatively.