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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-6 | Issue-04
L’instabilite Rotulienne Objective (A Propos de Quatre Cas)
M. J. El Mekkaoui, J. Boukhris, T. El Yacoubi, M. Bousaidane, B. Chafry, D. Bencheba, A. S. Bouabid, M. Boussouga
Published: April 27, 2020 | 249 183
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs.2020.v06i04.011
Pages: 209-211
Objective patellar instability is a pathology which, without being rare is not very common. It concerns the teenager and the young adult, with a female prevalence. This pathology is the consequence of multiple factors of an osseous nature, capsulo-ligamentaires and muscular. It gathers two clinical entities: repeating luxation and traumatic luxation followed by disorders. By this study, we report the analysis of the medical files of four patients who are taken in charge by the service of Traumatology-Orthopedy II of the HMIMV of Reduction, for an objective patellar instability during 2 years (2018-2019). We made an approach of this affection, so as to show through the achieved results the importance of a precise radiological analysis in the choice of a surgical strategy, associating osseous gestures and others on the soft parts while holding account of the age of the patients and the degree of the dysfunction. The forecast is dominated by the appearance of a femoro-patellar osteoarthritis at an early age.