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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-10 | Issue-08
Hygienic Quality and Conservation of Market Gardening Products Sold in the City of Korhogo (Northern Côte d’Ivoire)
Seguena FOFANA, Abdoulaye TOURÉ, Kafana SORO
Published: Aug. 22, 2022 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2022.v10i08.002
Pages: 178-184
Market gardening is an activity commonly practiced in the city of Korhogo. This study made it possible to take stock of this activity with a view to improving it for the benefit of consumers. A survey was therefore conducted among 100 market gardeners in the Kassirimé, Natio-Kobadara, Koko and Téguérré neighborhoods and 100 vendors at the Sinistré and Belle-Ville markets and at the large market. The results showed that the majority of market gardeners and sellers are women who have not been educated, with more than 10 years of experience. The analysis of production sites through the requirements of the GLOBALGAP standard showed non-compliance rates above 90%. The study on market gardening sites and markets using the ISHIKAWA causality diagram made it possible to identify the risk factors and to propose measures for controlling the dangers. The survey showed that vendors use aeration, ventilation, immersion, drying and sprinkling for the preservation of vegetables. Moreover, market gardeners, like sellers, encounter problems in the practice of this activity. These problems are linked to the lack of supervision, access to agricultural credit and pest’s attacks.