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SAS Journal of Medicine | Volume-2 | Issue-06
Value of Dipstick Urinalysis in Evaluating Patients with Bladder Outlet Obtsruction
Elijah A. Udoh, Daniel E. David
Published: Dec. 30, 2016 | 111 118
DOI: 10.36347/sasjm.2016.v02i06.004
Pages: Page: 141-146
The study of voided urine is valuable in the management of many health conditions and remains basic to any clinician. Its importance in evaluating patients with bladder outlet obstruction (BOO) needs to be emphasized. In BOO, Urine outflow from the bladder is impeded resulting in changes in the characteristics of normal urine. We studied dipstick urinalysis results of 152 patients diagnosed with cancer of the prostate (Cap), Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and Urethral Stricture who presented in our follow-up clinic between March and May 2016. Data from this and clinical characteristics of the patients was analyzed using the SPSS Version 20.0 software. In the results, macroscopic appearance suggested evidence of abnormality in 50.9%, urinary PH was acidic in 82.9% (Acidic urine is normal for most individuals), specific gravity showed evidence of renal insufficiency (1.010) in 18.4%, significant proteinuria was seen in 28.4%, ascorbic acid in 0.7%, urobilinogen was normal in all the samples tested, leucocyte esterase was positive in 30.5%, hyperglycaemia without glycosuria was found in 31.70% (13/41) and there was a significant statistical association between the presence of nitrite and leucocyte esterase.