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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-5 | Issue-01
An evaluation of anticonvulsant action of Vigabatrin on albino rats
Dr. Mohammad Imran, Dr. Abhishek Singh, Dr. Rakesh Tank, Dr. Priyamvada Sharma, Dr. Vinod Bhardwaj
Published: Jan. 27, 2017 | 140 89
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2017.v05i01.008
Pages: 46-49
Serious doubts have been cast on the original hypothesis that they may be used as a model of human absence seizures and they more probably represent a model of myoclonic seizures. The present study was planned to study the anticonvulsant action of Vigabatrin on albino rats. The current prospective study was conducted by the Department of Pharmacology of a tertiary care teaching institution. Study tools were convulsometer (electrically driven), Tuberculin syringe and Albino rats. Vigabatrin drug was used. Experimental animals were obtained from animal house of this tertiary care center. Effect of different doses of Vigabatrin against Metrazol induced convulsions was captured. Range of effective doses of Vigabatrin in 50% of animals was noted down. The peak period of Vigabatrin was determined. TD50 of Vigabatrin in the acute neurotoxicity test was ascertained. ED50 of Vigabatrin was observed to be 67 mg ± 10.20 mg/100gm of body weight. Effect of Vigabatrin starts within 60 minutes of the administration of the drug at dose of 500 mg per 100gm of body weight. The protective effect was seen maximum at 3 hours after the administration, after that the effect starts declining. TD50 of Vigabatrin was observed to be 425 mg ± 93.50 mg/100gm of body weight. Vigabatrin is relatively safe drug to use but not effective in absence seizure. Well-known side effect, visual field defect limits its use. Further elaborate screening of this drug by various experiments is needed.