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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-5 | Issue-01
A Study of Association of Metabolic Syndrome and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Patients with Male Androgenetic Alopecia
Dr. Rakesh Kumar Mahala, Dr. Ram Singh Meena, Dr. U.S. Agarwal, Dr Sarita, Dr Saroj Purohit
Published: Jan. 27, 2017 | 142 107
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2017.v05i01.0010
Pages: 52-56
Cardiovascular disease has a major impact on morbidity and mortality. Thus, an understanding of the relationship between male androgenetic alopecia and cardiovascular disease may be important in improving primary prevention. The objective of this study was to determine the magnitude of metabolic syndrome in patients with earlyonset androgenetic alopecia. 240 men were studied, 120 with diagnosis of early-onset androgenetic alopecia and 120 control subjects who consulted for other skin conditions. In both groups, the criteria for metabolic syndrome according to the Adult Treatment Panel-III were studied (obesity, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein Cholesterol, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and blood glucose). Criteria for metabolic syndrome were met by 45% of the patients with androgenetic alopecia compared to 10% of the group B (P<0001). In a univariate analysis, abdominal obesity, systolic blood pressure, pressure>135mmofHg, triglycerides>150(mg/dl), and blood glucose levels >110(mg/dl) were significantly greater among patients with androgenetic alopecia. The high magnitude of metabolic syndrome in patients with androgenetic alopecia suggests cardiovascular screening should be done for early risk detection and primary prevention for cardiovascular disease.