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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-2 | Issue-03
Changes in Bone Mineral Density in Indian Women: A Cross-Sectional Study
U Gupta, S.Sharma, N.K. Gupta
Published: May 25, 2014 | 105 58
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2014.v02i03.006
Pages: 917-921
Thirty million women in India suffer from osteoporosis, of which 50% are post-menopausal. WHO has predicted Asians to be largely affected by osteoporosis by the year 2050. An Observational study was carried out in 100 women enrolled between age 40-65 years attending Gynecology OPD at VPIMS, over a period of one year, after obtaining informed consent. It was observed that osteoporosis and osteopenia were significantly more common in older age. Of 100 women studied, low BMD was observed in age group 40-50 years in 65.7%, in 51-60 years it was 22.9%; all (11.4%) above age of 60 years. Osteopenia and osteoporosis were more common in lower (<18kg/m2) Body Mass Index (BMI) categories as compared to higher BMI groups. A statistically significant positive association between parity and osteoporosis was observed. Low BMD increases with age and in postmenopausal period, suggesting lack of estrogenic activity might be responsible for this increasing trend. Obesity can produce higher bone mass due to the association of fat mass with secretion of bone active hormones and due to the weight bearing effect of excess soft tissue and fat on skeleton.