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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-5 | Issue-08
The Influence of Socio-cultural Factors on Female Teachers Leadership Aspirations in Primary Schools in Kericho County, Kenya
Soi Dorothy, Ochola John, Kiprop Catherine
Published: Aug. 30, 2017 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2017.v05i08.002
Pages: 805-815
Abstract: This study examined the sociocultural factors that influence aspirations of female teachers for primary school leadership positions in Kericho County, specifically the influence of stereotypical beliefs held about women aspiring and holding leadership positions and the influence of others and domestic responsibilities on the decision to join leadership in primary school. It is founded on the Model of administrative career mobility by Riehl and Byrd [1]. After analysis, the perception of socio-cultural factors was found not to be significantly correlated with leadership aspiration. However, qualitative analysis revealed that the socio-cultural influence over leadership aspiration was indirect and that the social requirements of female teachers do influence leadership aspiration. The findings provide sufficient practical knowledge to develop programs for enhancing the access of female teachers to leadership positions in primary schools. The study also contributes to the body of literature on women in educational leadership in Kenya.