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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-5 | Issue-08
The Borders of Cameroon From the Origins to the Present Day: Stakes and Challenges
ZE EDO'O James Richard
Published: Aug. 30, 2017 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2017.v05i08.003
Pages: 816-822
Abstract: In the past, three natural elements made it possible to locate Cameroon geographically. It is indeed, from Lake Tchad, the coast and Mount Cameroon. This pre-colonial Cameroon consisted of traditional kingdoms and chiefdoms, each bounded by well-defined boundaries. Every golden kingdom, Traditional cheffery exercised its authority in its command territory and also recognized the presence of the neighbor. Indeed, the opening of Cameroon abroad in 1884 with the signing of the Germano-Douala treaty will enable it to be born on the international scene. From this point on, Cameroon's first land, sea and air borders are traced with an area of 480,000km². During its history, Cameroon underwent a triple colonization (German, English and French). This triple colonization did not end without consequences on the borders of Cameroon. Thus in 1911 appeared the great Kamerun with an area of 750,000km². The German defeat in Cameroon following the First World War in 1916 altered the boundaries as well as its surface area decreased. In the same year, France and Great Britain shared the Kamerun. France takes the 3/4 while Britain is satisfied with 1/4. This sharing will modify the border data. Thus, each colonial power will materialize the borders of Cameroon according to its aspirations. From independence until the advent of the Third Republic through reunification and unification; The borders of Cameroon have been the subject of numerous disputes from neighboring countries. The most illustrative example is the border dispute between the Republic of Cameroon and the Federal Republic of Nigeria over the Bakassi peninsula. Nowadays, the borders of Cameroon constitute spaces of reception at the same time zones of strong tensions. This situation leads to a state of insecurity in the borders of Cameroon. This is why at times we witness border conflicts, various aggressions and the landing of refugees from neighboring countries. This specter of disorder maintained within the bor