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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-5 | Issue-08
Investigating the Students’ Attitudes towards Using the Best Practices in English Listening through CALL
Dr. Chamundeshwari, Sivananda DN
Published: Aug. 30, 2017 | 233 183
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2017.v05i08.021
Pages: 953-962
In the Indian scenario, demonstrating communication skills shows success path in the placement recruitment for the engineering students. Most of the students lack communication skill; they are not „industry ready‟. It is mandatory for undergraduate students studying in Engineering Colleges to learn the English language. It helps them to pursue higher education. Now a days, Corporate and foreign universities requires the students, who pursue higher studies and have proficiency in the international language. They expect them to have good score in IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC etc., These exams are based on LSRW skills. Since Listening skill is the base for language learning, it has an important place in these tests. This study is an action research project to know the students‟ perception on English Language Listening Skills and to determine whether the students develop listening skills using Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL). The participants of the study comprised of 70 students from Computer Science Engineering, second semester. They were heterogeneous group of students from Rural, Semi-Urban and Urban areas. Data collection was in the form of a Questionnaire comprising 20 questions framed to know the student's proficiency of listening skills. The purpose of this research is to explore the student's attitude on Listening Skills using Computer Assisted Language Learning among college students. Since they have been using Language Laboratory for the two semesters, it examines how students learned CALL package listening programs and online resources. Findings revealed positive attitudes towards the training as well as towards the use of the listening strategies.