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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-5 | Issue-08
Influence of Teacher Classroom Management Style on Students Level of SelfEsteem Case of Public Secondary Schools in Nyandarua West Sub-County, Kenya
Dr. Peter Muchemi, Dr. Enos Baraza
Published: Aug. 30, 2017 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2017.v05i08.022
Pages: 963-973
The major purpose of the study was to investigate whether students’ level of self-esteem can be influenced by
teacher classroom management style. To achieve this objective, teacher classroom management style and students’ selfesteem were measured and the data obtained was analyzed. The aim was to find out whether the selected school factor
had any influence on students’ level of self esteem. The research was conducted using expost facto research design.
Teacher classroom management style was seen as a naturally occurring independent variable, which could have an effect
on students’ level of self esteem. The population of the study comprised of students in public secondary schools in
Nyandarua West Sub County. The Sub County has 8 public secondary schools; with a student population of 3067. Data
relevant to the study was collected using questionnaires prepared by the researcher. The questionnaires were
administered to a sample of 240 students selected using simple random sampling from the 1320 form two students in the
Sub County. The data was analysed using mean calculations, percentages and one-way ANOVA test. It was found out
that a teacher’s classroom management style has a significant influence on students’ self esteem, either raising or
lowering it. Students in schools with teachers who were more democratic in handling students’ affairs were found to have
a higher self-esteem compared to those in schools with teachers rated as less democratic. It is therefore recommended
that teacher classroom management style should be improved in all school categories. Teachers should be sensitized on
the role of self-esteem on behaviour and academic performance. Finally, this study suggests that further studies should be
conducted to find out whether similar results would be obtained in other Sub Counties in Kenya, and to find out whether
peers, parents and school catering facilities have any significant effect on students’ level of self esteem.