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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-5 | Issue-08
Is MGNREGS A Workfare Programme? Conceptualizing Employment, Unemployment and Workfare
Ms. Rajimol MS, Dr. K Gangadharan
Published: Aug. 30, 2017 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2017.v05i08.024
Pages: 979-984
Unemployment, in the modern time, is considered as one of the unavoidable social evils for which no panacea
exists. Workfare programmes are adopted and executed in various forms to provide social assistance to counteract it.
There are a number of programmes implemented under different regimes to reduce the sufferings of the victimns.
Mahatma Gandhi national Employment Guarantee scheme (MGNREGS) is often referred to as the biggest of one such
programmes. Though the problem of unemployment and the impact of workfare and related policies are widely
discussed, there is a lack of clarity in its definition and conceptual issues. This paper is an attempt to discuss the
definition of unemployment and workfare. In the last part of the paper, an attempt is made to examine how far
MGNREGS--often referred as worldâs largest workfare programme, can be treated as a workfare programme.