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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-5 | Issue-08
Origin and Development of Bodoland Movement in Assam
Md. Altaf Hussain
Published: Aug. 31, 2017 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2017.v05i08.032
Pages: 1024-1028
In the Indian political system Separatist movement is not a new phenomenon. In the pre-independence day it
was promoted by the British imperialists and they deliberately encouraged the people of various regions to think in terms
of their region rather than the nation as a whole with a view to maintain their hold over India. In India sub-national
ideology increasing several types of movements. Some movements seek separate state from India itself and the formation
of a new nation from one or more states. The Bodoland Movement in Assam is one of the separate state movements in
India. The Bodo-Kacharis of Brahmaputra Valley, particularly some districts like Kokrajhar, Baksa, Chirang and
Uddalguri are known as Bodos or Boros. The heterogeneous population composition of the Brahmaputra Valley of
Assam which is large number of tribal and socially background population groups reales multi-dimensional sociopolitical problems. Since the beginning of the current century, following large scale influx of immigrants into the region
the tribal people developed a sense of socio-political and cultural insecurity. Recently, as claimed by various tribal
organizations, growing encroachment of non-tribals into the tribal belts and blocks over past few decades, growing
dominance of the non-tribals in the polity and economy of the state of Assam and the deteriorating economic condition of
the majority of the tribals aggrieved them further and compelled them to develop separatist tendency. The continuing
movement for a separate homeland for the Bodo tribal is an expression of such feelings of the tribal population of the
Brahmaputra Valley. The Bodoland Movement started as a political, socio-cultural and economic movement which has
developed for a separate state within the Indian Union.