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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-5 | Issue-08
An Analysis of the Performance of North East Arid Zone Development Programme (NEAZDP) in Rural Water Supply in Northern Yobe State, Nigeria
Halima Yakubu Mukhtar, Fatima Bukar Bababe, Yakaka Abba
Published: Aug. 31, 2017 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2017.v05i08.036
Pages: 1050-1077
Yobe states is located on the fringes of the desert that is associated with water scarcity that is more acute than
elsewhere nationally. This had revealed that access to clean water still remains a major challenge to almost half of the
populace. This research attempted to address these problems and proffer solutions to it. The general objectives of the
study was; the performance Evaluation of the North East Arid Zone Development Programme (NEAZDP) in Rural
Community Water Supply in Northern Yobe State, Nigeria. The specific objectives were to: examine the socio-economic
characteristics of the beneficiaries of NEAZDP, assess the constraints of the people in terms of water supply and identify
the sources of water supply to the community before and after NEAZDP intervention. The research utilized both primary
and secondary sources of data. Combinations of quantitative and qualitative methods were used as the research
methodology. Purposive sampling was used in the sample selection. A total sample of 400 respondents were selected and
interviewed. Regression analysis was used to examine the impact of NEAZDP on the rural community development. The
major findings of the study showed that, the people in the rural areas lack basic necessity of life, and the provision of
good drinking water supply. Based on the findings, there were low living standard and quality of life, a fragile production
base and increased pressure on land from growing population.