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Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports | Volume-8 | Issue-01
A Venous Malformation of Left Thigh-A Case Report
A. K. Al Miraj, H. N. Ashikur Rahaman, Md. Magfur Rahman, Md. Saif Ullah Khan
Published: Jan. 22, 2020 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjmcr.2020.v08i01.019
Pages: 60-63
Purpose: To represent the clinical usefulness of duplex-guided compression in the evaluation and treatment of
iatrogenic femoral pseudo- aneurysms. Case Report: A 14 year old female patient presented to Department of Vascular
Surgery BSSMU with a complaint of swelling on the left medial aspect of thigh since birth. She underwent surgical
intervention twice at the age of 7 years and 12 years. However the lesion kept growing recurrently over the left medial
thigh after two surgical interventions over the period of 7 years. The lesion was present on left medial aspect of thigh,
extending from mid thigh to knee joint. The swelling was measuring around 7.5 cm × 4.0 cm. The overlying skin was
normal. There was longitudinal scar marks of the previous surgery were seen. The swelling was soft, compressible and
non tender on palpation. The overlying skin was normal borders were ill defined and diffuse. There was no bruit, thrill,
pulsation or rise in temperature. Duplex ultrasound scanning was done to confirm the diagnosis, which revealed and
MRI was done before planning for surgery to see the extent and nature of the lesion. Conclusions: This case revealed
that In case of vascular malformation, soft tissue and skeletal overgrowth is a common problem with lesions specially
when sited around the growth plates of the long bones. Surgical excision should be the line of treatment and ensures
least down time, morbidity and recurrence rate. Clinicians dealing with vascular problems should be aware of this
lesion where early surgical intervention provides optimal results, however should also keep in mind that recurrence of
such kind of lesion is high.