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Scholars Journal of Economics, Business and Management | Volume-3 | Issue-01
Examination of five important controversial issues about the maritime industry and resistive economy
Dr. Mohammad Reza Bagherzadeh, Sadegh Rezvanian
Published: Jan. 29, 2016 | 115 83
DOI: 10.36347/sjebm.2016.v03i01.003
Pages: 11-19
The development degree in the infrastructures sector is nowadays one of the evaluating criteria of the level of development of countries in the world. Moreover, the proportion of transportation in the national economy is undeniable. World trade indicates that the economic growth in the countries is strongly depended on the transportation industry development. As according to international organizations and onions’ reports (such as BIMCO) about 89 percent of world trade is carried out through the sea. Hence, the concept of maritime transportation, due to the specific situation of our country, has long been a special opportunity and a strategic superior position in the heart of Asia and the connection way of Asia’s East to the Europe [1]. Iran’s maritime transportation industry has been under unprecedented and most outrageous sanctions imposed by the US and its allies in the past few years and even the country has not been spared from the bite of sanctions with various excuses. These issues emphasize on the importance of the role of transportation in country’s economy and on the other hand indicate the importance and the significant role of maritime transportation sector in the national economy and focused on greater attention to this subject. Iran’s 1404 vision of economical plans presented by Imam Khamenei has outlined a 5-year target program for Islamic Republic of Iran and the role it should take in the region. It is obvious that according to these objectives, consideration and using of these resistive economy politics along with upholding its principles and components is important. In this article, five important objectives about resistive economy in the field of maritime industry are studied.