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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-5 | Issue-01
Evaluation of Serum Acid Phosphatase Level in the Lesions of Prostate Gland and its Role as Tumour Marker in Advanced Carcinoma of Prostate and its Correlation with Histopathology
Dr. Mrinal Kanti Mallik, Dr. B. Rajsekhar
Published: Jan. 31, 2017 | 93 83
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2017.v05i01.056
Pages: 292-295
Acid phosphatase (ACP) enzyme, first demonstrated in the urine 1925, was found to be much more prevalent in male than in female. It was shown that prostatic tissue contains this enzyme in high concentration. Elevated serum levels of acid phosphates are seen in patients with prostatic carcinoma that has metastasized. One half to three fourths of patients with carcinoma of the prostate that has extended beyond the capsule have elevated acid phosphatase levels. However, patients with benign prostatic hypertrophy may have slight elevations of the serum acid phosphatase level after vigorous prostatic "massage". Since other tissues, such as erythrocytes, may also release acid phosphatase into the serum, minor elevations of enzyme levels may reflect such an origin rather than the prostate. Accordingly, efforts have been made to distinguish‖ prostatic" acid phosphatase from erythrocyte acid phosphatase have been based on the differential effect of various substrates and various inhibitors on enzymes.