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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-2 | Issue-03
Biophysical and Biochemical Markers of Skeletal Fluorosis
Mukesh Tiwari, Neena Tiwari, Varun Singh, Hemant chaturvedi
Published: May 27, 2014 | 98 67
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2014.v02i03.023
Pages: 991-995
Fluoride toxicity is a burgeoning problem in worldwide and also in Rajasthan, India. It may be serious problems in health of the adults and children. Several clinical and experimental studies have reported that the F induces bone deformities in skeletal fluorosis but mechanism of action is still unknown. In the present study, 55 male flurotic patients (age 33.9 ±8.1) were selected from the orthopaedic outdoor patient department at Nims Medical Hospital Jaipur India. The age matched controls (34.5±7.6) were selected from the area where fluoride content was less than 1.5 ppm. Tibial bowing, Saber Shin, bow-legs, Genu valgum, wider ends of long bones with other typical skeletal deformities and bone mineral density were examined to compare subjects and controls along with changes at diaphysis and metaphyses with calcification and ossification of ligaments. The serum biochemical marker namely alkaline phosphatase (ALP), hydroxyproline, vitamin D, calcium and phosphate were also measured. Results of the present study demonstrate presence of high phosphorus, ALP, hydroxyproline and reduced concentration of 25 Hydroxy Vitamin D and calcium among the fluorotic patients. On the basis of results it may conclude that different biochemical parameters provides a reliable indicator for monitoring the health status of the high endemic area of fluoride which are at risk of fluorosis.