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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-2 | Issue-03
Morphometry of the Lumbar Vertebrae and its Clinical Significance
Yael Kapoor, Anil. R. Sherke, Krishnaiah.M, Suseelamma. D.
Published: May 29, 2014 | 88 55
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2014.v02i03.035
Pages: 1045-1052
Low back pain has attracted the attention of anatomists to do the measurements of lumbar vertebrae. Narrowing of all the diameters of the vertebral foramen could be responsible as a factor which might produce low back pain. The aim of the present study was to estimate the average diameters in the mid-sagittal diameter, interpedicular distance and the lateral recess diameter. 6 sets of30 dried cadaveric bones were taken and studied in the Dept. of Anatomy. Age and sex criteria were not considered. We isolated L1, L5 vertebrae and other typical vertebrae. The morphometric analysis was done and compared the results with other authors. Average mid sagittal diameter of vertebral canal ranged from 13.06mm to 14.75mm at L1-L5vertebral levels, the interpedicular distance ranged from 18.51mm to 21.50mm at L1-L5vertebral levels and the depth of the lateral recess ranged from 7.18mm to 8.95mm at L1-L5vertebral levels. There is a slight narrowing occuring at L3 - -L5levels. The lumbar vertebral foramen is oblong in shape in L1, triangular in shape inL2 and L3 vertebrae with more acute lateral angles in L3. The present study showed that L3 remains the centre point for transition in the dimensions and hence more susceptible to stenosis and spinal nerve compression.