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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-2 | Issue-03
Stress and Stressors in Medical Education and Evaluation of Different Modalities to Overcome It
Trushna Shah, Geetanjali Purohit, R. M. Shah, G. V. Shah
Published: June 28, 2014 | 89 49
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2014.v02i03.052
Pages: 1123-1126
Medical education has several new, challenging and potentially threatening situational demands for the students throughout the world. Stress in medical students has been recognized for a long time, many studies have to explore the causes, consequences and solution. Our aim is to determine stress and stressor, which one is the best modality among all and where we are lacking and how we can improve for future on the basis of student’s feedback. This study was cross sectional self-structured questionnaire based conducted in first year medical students of Sumandeep Vidyapeeth, Department of Biochemistry, SBKS MIRC. One hundred and fifty 1st year MBBS students enrolled in the study group. The self-structured questionnaire included the different stressors and the evaluation of the stress management modalities used by Sumandeep Vidyapeeth. Out of 150 students who received questionnaires 140completed and returned them (response rate = 93.3%). Nearly 110 students (78.2%) Strongly agree that stress is present. More than 50% students said academic factors were greater perceived cause of stress in medical students. Nonacademic factors also contribute in the medical students. In our study stress was prevalent in most of the first year medical students. Academic problems were greater sources of stress in first year medical students compared to non-academic problems. The study provided scope for adopting different modalities to reduce students’ stress via counseling, mentorship programme and using different modalities etc.