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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-2 | Issue-04
Perception about Penis Length, Penile Erection and Quantity of Semen among Young Adult Men of Pondicherry, India-Community Based Cross Sectional Study
K N Prasad, P S Vinoth Kumar, Poovitha
Published: July 29, 2014 | 123 59
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2014.v02i04.009
Pages: 1214-1219
The psychological factors towards the perception of one own sexual organ is very important of the good sexual health in the era of widespread social networks and internet. The information on perception about penis size, erection and quantity of semen in Indian situation is rarely available. The objective of the study is to find the perception of penile length, penile erection and quantity of semen among collegiate young adult men. It is a Community based Descriptive Cross sectional survey in the selected 16 colleges on different education courses during October 2013 to February 2014 by using the pilot tested, self administered anonymous questionnaire. The detailed information was collected on their satisfaction regarding the penis size, erection, quantity of semen and related variables. Analysis was done using SPSS software package. The number of young adults participated in this study was 686, unmarried and the response rate to all the questions was more than 90%. Nearly 90 percent of the subjects in this study were satisfied with their penis size , erection and quantity of semen however residents of rural and hostel inmates were not satisfied with their quantity of semen. Nearly 29 percent of the participants had experience of sex during their education period. Conclusion is young adult men in this study are overall satisfied with their penile size, erection and semen quantity.