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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-2 | Issue-04
A Study of Haematological Changes in Chronic Renal Failure
Sunita G. Rathod, Arvind K. Ade, Pravin P. Shekokar
Published: July 29, 2014 | 122 68
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2014.v02i04.012
Pages: 1232-1234
Chronic renal failure is associated with variety of hematological abnormalities. Hemostatic defects in uremia are often complex and may include coagulation abnormalities. The present study was conducted to see the incidence, severity and types of various hematological abnormalities in patients of chronic renal failure. Forty patients (35 males & 5 females) diagnosed to have chronic renal failure with end stage renal disease was considered for this study. Various hematological abnormalities like anemia, platelet abnormalities, and coagulation defects were studied in patients of chronic renal failure. In this study all the patients had anemia mainly normocytic normochronic. 22% patients had leucocytosis and very few had thrombocytopenia. Few patients showed presence of Burr cells in their peripheral smear. Anemia is the most common hematological abnormality in chronic renal failure. Burr cells are observed in the study group which suggests the more severe form of chronic renal failure. Although platelet count was normal in majority of the patients, qualitative platelet defect is the main cause of bleeding in these patients.