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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-2 | Issue-04
Concept of Ageing and its Management with Rasayan Therapy
Sharma Pushpendra
Published: Aug. 30, 2014 | 67 59
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2014.v02i04.061
Pages: 1445-1449
Ayurveda the 'science of human life' deals with physical, psychological as well as spiritual well being of an individual. The desire to live long be one of the basic instincts has been common to all living creatures and the human beings are a step ahead, in the sense, desires not only to live, but to live a long, happy and disease free life as far as possible. Ageing is a process of unfavourable progressive changes associated with decline in vigour and ending in death. Ageing is the part of life which is unavoidable but the untimely ageing can be stopped. The process of ageing involves the coexistence of two opposing factors namely evolution (growth) and involution (atrophy). These processes continue to operate throughout the life but their comparative importance tends to vary in different age groups. As the age advanced, human beings gradually lose some of their attributes, because of functional and structural alterations in almost all organ systems. Ageing in individuals is affected to a greater extent by genetic factors, diet, social conditions and the occurrence of age related disorders. The concept of rasayan not only helped attain longer, healthier life but also helped cure some of the dreadful diseases. Rasayan therapy should be preferably used during the early or middle age. rasayan, being practised effectively and extensively since ages, is a group of medicinal preparations which are immune-stimulants and capable of preventing the causation of many ailments such as untimely ageing etc to reduce the virulence of ageing and improve the quality of life thereupon. Rasayan is the science of nutrition and complete health care.