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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-2 | Issue-04
A Clinical Study of Peptic Ulcer Disease and its Complications in Rural Population
Dr. Avijeet Mukherjee, Dr. Naveen. N
Published: Aug. 31, 2014 | 131 90
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2014.v02i04.070
Pages: 1484-1490
Peptic ulcer disease, as well as its myriad complications, is a common surgical problem encountered by surgeons all over. It is imperative for the surgeons to be familiar with all the facets of this disease to be able to treat the multitude of patients who suffer from this disease. A total of 80 patients with solitary peptic ulcer disease were studied with respect to age, sex, complaints and clinical signs. The diagnosis was based on clinical history and relevant investigations. Peptic ulcer disease is a common problem affecting all ages but more common in the middle ages, more so in the males, presenting with pain abdomen and, sometimes, vomiting. Duodenal ulcers are more common than gastric ulcers. Uncomplicated ulcers maybe managed either conservatively or surgically while many complicated ulcers require surgery. In conclusion, in spite of the vast advances in diagnosis and treatment of peptic ulcers, they still remain a common problem encountered by surgeons all over. Though manageable conservatively, surgery still is required in a significant number of people suffering from peptic ulcers.