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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-2 | Issue-05
Clinico-Epidemiological Study of Facial Hypermelanoses
Kavya M, Nataraj HV
Published: Sept. 28, 2014 | 137 84
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2014.v02i05.024
Pages: 1621-1626
Hypermelanoses involving predominantly the face and the neck is relatively common and often presents a complex diagnostic problem. The Objectives of this study were to study the clinico-epidemiological characteristics of facial hypermelanosis and to assess the role of various aetiological factors in the pathogenesis of facial hypermelanosis. Source of data consisted of all patients of facial hypermelanoses attending the outpatient department of Dermatology and Venereology in Bangalore Medical College Research Institute. A questionnaire was used to record the preliminary data and detailed history. Clinical examination included general physical examination and local examination of face, oral cavity and other skin appendages. Investigations were done only in relevant cases which included woods lamp examination, complete blood count and thyroid profile. Majority of patients were in age groups of 31-40 years (41%) and 21-30 years (30%). Females presented more commonly with facial hypermelanoses seen in 67% of cases. UV radiation (54%), drugs (22%) and cosmetics (22%) were the possible precipitating factors of facial hypermelanoses in our study. Melasma was the most common cause of facial hypermelanoses comprising 36% of cases, followed by Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation(25%). The three main predisposing factors in the development of melasma were genetic predisposition (36%), female hormones (36%) and UV radiation (28%). In conclusion, facial hypermelanosis is a clinical feature of a diverse group of disorders most common in middle aged females who expose to sunlight and having genetic predisposition. The most common of which is Melasma. Diagnosis is generally based on detailed personal, family history and clinical features aided with relevant investigations depending on individual case.