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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-2 | Issue-05
An Evaluation of Depression and Death Anxiety Level in Hospitalized Patients Because of Chronic Disease
Mehmet Enes Gokler, Rukiye Dogan, Alaettin Unsal
Published: Sept. 28, 2014 | 73 136
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2014.v02i05.035
Pages: 1663-1668
This study aimed to determine the levels of depression, anxiety and death anxiety and to perform an assessment of the relationship between them on patients with some chronic diseases. The working group consisted of 200 (71.9%) patients who were diagnosed with renal failure, diabetes, various malignancies and other diagnoses except these diseases. Hospital Anxiety -Depression Scale and Templer Death Anxiety Scale was used in this study. Death anxiety levels were higher in women and in patients with social support. There was a positive relationship between diabetic patients’ disease duration and death anxiety. There was a relationship between scores obtained from the Anxiety Scale and the Death Anxiety Scale in patients with malignancy and diabetic patients. In conclusion, Giving information to patients about the methods of coping with depression and death anxiety and assisting them to express their feelings about diseases will be helpful.