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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-2 | Issue-05
Study on Blood Supply of Appendix and Caecum in Human Cadavers and Its Variations
Janardhan Rao.M, Suseelamma.D, Deepthi. S, Sireesha.V, Naveen kumar.B, Upendra.M
Published: Sept. 29, 2014 | 76 68
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2014.v02i05.042
Pages: 1696-1699
The size, shape, position and arterial supply of the caecum and appendix vary in different individuals of different sex and age. Therefore, a thorough knowledge of normal and abnormal anatomy, arterial supply of the caecum, appendix and ileocaecal junction is very important to surgeon performing abdominal operations in adults, children and infants. The clinical features of acute appendicitis vary according to its position, the age of the patient and obese individuals. Ischemia (or) Thrombosis of appendicular artery leads to gangrene of the appendix. The present work consists of the study of the caecum and vermiform appendix in human fetuses and adults. The total numbers of specimens studied are 50, out of which 25 are adult cadavers. The situation of caecum in 24 adult specimens is in the righty iliac fossa and 1 specimen is in sub hepatic in position. Out of 25 adults specimens 22 are normal adult type (ampullary type) (88%) and 2 specimens 8% are exaggerated type and only one specimen 4% is conical type. The shape of caecum in adults is asymmetrical type (adult) 100%.