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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-2 | Issue-05
Characterization of symptomatic Knee Joint in Sudanese
Badria Awad Elamin Mustafa, MEM Garelnabi, Sharaf Elgizouly Mohamed, Salah Mohamed Abdulrahim, H.Osman
Published: Sept. 29, 2014 | 67 65
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2014.v02i05.050
Pages: 1741-1745
Knee Joint is one of largest and complex joint in the human body. The aim of this study was to characterize symptomatic knee joints in Sudanese population by using height and circumference of knee joint to predict pathological changes that appear in the plain X-ray film in advance. A total of 257 symptomatic knee joints were measured. One hundred and six showed no change in the x-ray film ‘normal’, (56 male and 50 female), 151 of symptomatic patient’s showed change of knee joint in the plain X-ray ‘diseased’ (55 males and 96 females). Their age range between 18-65 years, bio-data such as height, weight, body mass index heights and circumferences of knees were recorded. In this study we found that there is a significant difference between the height and circumference of the knee for male and female, but there is inclusive differences regarding Rt and Lt knee in normal cases. While the circumference of the knee showed a significant difference between those with remarkable X-ray changes and the symptomatic one without obvious X-ray changes. In conclusion we can estimate the symptomatic patient without changes in X-ray from those with changes by using their age, body mass index and period of disease in a multi-regression equation to predict each groups where the index of possibility increase 0.009, 0.003 and 0.015 for age, period of disease and body mass index respectively; where index one indicate no change in X-ray and index two indicate presence of changes.