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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-2 | Issue-05
Nutritional Counseling and the Recovery Rate among Diabetic Patients in Nakuru Provincial Hospital, Kenya
Lucy W. Karanja
Published: Oct. 28, 2014 | 74 56
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2014.v02i05.061
Pages: 1791-1796
Diabetic has become among the leading killer non-communicable diseases in Kenya. Scholars are deliberating on the best treatment therapies available and accessible to both rich and poor. Among the best approaches for the successful treatment of diabetes is nutritional counseling which buttresses dietary therapies. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the effectiveness of Nutritional Counseling on the recovery rate among diabetic patients. This study was aimed at establishing such a relationship so as to make recommendations based on empirical examples. The study was carried out using a descriptive survey. The sample consisted of 283 respondents that included 8 dieticians and 275 diabetic patients. The study established that there was a significant relationship between the patient’s nutritional knowledge and recovery rate. This study recommends that the government must take an active role in promoting the nutritional counseling services offered in hospitals by employing more dieticians, intensifying awareness campaigns on the recommended diet for the diabetics.