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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-2 | Issue-05
Morphometric Analysis and Variations of the Circle of Willis
H. R. Sharada, K. K. Chaitanya, Anil. R. Sherke, Krishniah, Gayathri, Ashish.K.
Published: Oct. 29, 2014 | 75 264
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2014.v02i05.069
Pages: 1831-1834
Circle of Willis is an arterial anastomosis between the internal carotid and vertebral system. Anterior and middle cerebral arteries are the branches of internal carotid artery and Posterior cerebral artery is an terminal branch of the vertebral artery. These form the cortical branches of the circle of Willis along with the anterior and posterior communicating arteries. We observe the variations in the communicating arteries. The diameter of the arteries is directly propositional to flow of blood volume. The knowledge of anatomical variations in the circle of Willis is useful for Neuro surgeons and psychiatrists. The study of morphology and variations in the formation of circle of Willis was observed in the routine cadaveric dissection in the department of anatomy, Kamineni institute of medical sciences, Narketpally.